Trolls in the craft industry, not the cute fluffy ones
As we head into 2024 I wanted to blog about a very important subject and one I hope most of you never have to experience personally. However on your behalf (please forgive me speaking on your behalf) I’d like to dedicate this post to all the mean spirited vigilante trolls who think that their voice should be listened to and even more arrogantly acted on.
Wow, how dare she? I hear you say, well it’s certainly got your attention and perhaps I might be so arrogant as to think you might read to the end. And if, just if, this post saves on person from writing or saying something mean, I will have made a difference.
As someone who has been personally and professionally been trolled, body shamed, personality shamed and wrongly accused of multiple things over the years through my career in craft, I actually feel quite qualified to write about it.
What I find most interesting is that trolls write about people they have never met, never walked in their shoes and often about subjects where they are devoid of all the facts.
On numerous occasions I’ve wanted to reply but work on the basis that it only draws attention to the posts and puts the person writing in the spotlight, a place they crave.
In fact I came to the conclusion most, not all, but most trolls are mean spirited and sad. Imagine waking up and the first thing you think of is to be mean today, that’s sad.
I’ve been talking about writing a book about the Two Red Robins journey, it’s not the first book I’ve written as I’ve written quite a few craft books. But it was the first that wasn’t going to be professionally edited. (A bit like my blog posts) now a number of things changed that, I think I lost my confidence, seriously a book about talking robins and the pandemic, I’m not exactly qualified, at least with my craft books I do craft and paint, although not according to some trolls. Time just got the better of me and the moment passed. However with my enthusiasm for the project and over confidence I’d told people it was happening. In fact I’d written it.
It wasn’t exactly a piece of prize winning literature, but seriously I don’t have the talent or skill for that, it was more the garbled ramblings of a crafter with a over imaginative mind who sees life in pictures and wants the world to be kind. So we’ve turned it into a note book, journal, jotter what ever you want yours to be. It’s still full of story telling and pictures and my words haven’t been changed or my grammar corrected. Troll fodder I can hear you thinking, but actually is it, should it be? When I presented it to be changed I was asked, do you want it to sound like you? Do you want to prove you can be dyslexic and still follow your dreams? that you can rise above what other people think? and give other people who think they can’t, hope they can? Actually I do.
Last night I watched a episode of Master Chef, where the tables were turned and the critics were the chefs, they experienced the contestants anxiety, stress and excitement. Without exception they said it was a scary experience and were more emphatic with the contestants. It took a role reversal, them to walk in another persons shoes and to live in their world, for them to really understand the impact of their actions and perhaps in the future deliver their message in a kinder way.
Ps the image of the troll is licensed but cannot be used to craft with.
My note book launches as part of our create and craft birthday celebrations.
I think too many people hide behind a keyboard and could never say certain things to people faces. What a nice person they are.
In some people’s defence it does get annoying and even upsetting to be promised something and for that promise not to be met. For example ink lily. I brought my set of markers with the promise that I would be able to get the education and become qualified as a colourist with ink lily. I understand that things happen out of people’s control however I have never personally seen or had an apology for miss selling of the product. This isn’t the first time create and craft have messed up. They blocked my account many times because they wanted me to pay for something I had already paid for and had proof I had paid for again no apology. To top it dies that are sometimes for sale on highlight crafts for under £4.50 on create and craft they are asking for £6.99 and presenters/demonstrators
saying this is the best price ever. Well actually it’s not. Now they are charging for flexi installments and the way cost of living is they are making it more difficult for those whom struggle as it is. Greed is a terrible thing. As is lying and misleading people without feeling any remorse, I for one am disgusted in how easy they do it. I promise I will do this in one breath and straight after finishing the sentence they have no intention of doing it.
I’m not a nasty person I help those I can and do what I can when I can and I don’t say something that I wouldn’t say to someone’s face. Have I made mistakes yes, have I apologised for those mistakes yes. Do I own up when I have said something yes I do. All I ask in return is that you do the same. Its not just cnc that do it hobbymaker on a few occasions have sold things when they are cheaper on amazon. And not just by a £1 either. I have some decisions to make this year as if this industry does stop ripping people off then I want no part of cardmaking and will find something else to spend my bit of money on that I will enjoy. I apologise if this upsets anyone by its just my thoughts and opinion. It is not aimed at anyone specific it is as a whole to the head of the companies to think and check before saying and doing things. Stop the lies and deceit. It will taint how we view a person, a company or product. Tell the truth. If people don’t like it then tough As they say if the shoe fits.
On the plus side all at highlight crafts have gone beyond in helping and answering questions and education. And I cannot thank you all enough for that. Your free education is brilliant and I have shared this many times for people. And have said that your customer service is brilliant. Even when the outcome doesn’t always go in my favour you try your hardest to help. And so again thank you x
Dear floppastoppa,
So it would be unfair of me to put my head above the parapet, defending what we do if I wasn’t prepared to reply to posts like yours. So firstly Thankyou for taking the time to actually post what I’m my opinion is a very fair point of view. You are right the craft industry is broken. When I started it was built on passion and creativity the rewards came for those who worked hard. The industry over the last 25years has gone from being considered a cottage industry to a global commercial opportunity. As brands and UK companies our challenges are relentless (I’m not complaining, it’s just a fact) not least with Chinese copycat products that are sold on sites like Tumu for considerably less than the manufacturing cost. Data capture and personal data has become a trading commodity that organisations are prepared to pay for even if it is selling other peoples intellectual property.
We are not perfect, we make mistakes, as a team we try and rectify them and at Highlight Crafts we are the decision makers, we don’t have to seek someone else’s agreement eg private equities owners, a board of individuals or even a boss.
We often fight battles for customers who have not bought from us, but ultimately we may have designed the product. Unfortunately the source that takes the payment isn’t always as accessible as we are and as customer support / service is so high on our agenda we feel compelled to step in, even if it costs us money. This isn’t the most sensible or commercial decision in some cases but we want to build a company based on family values, education and good customer service.
To anyone who asks, I would always say do you homework about price and shop where you get the best deal, price, service and any other support.
Once again Thankyou for being prepared to contribute to our blog and I value your comments, even the ones I don’t like and couldn’t or can’t do anything about.
I to have read this to the end, beautifully written from the heart. I write this as someone who “worked” with so falled special needs children for many years and witnessed many a hurtful comment. I am very much “you can do it, maybe in a different way but you can do it”. I am a big fan if Rosie Jones, met her once, she is a delightful human being but has been trolled in the most wicked ways but yes you are right. Those people are to be ignored with the hope that one day they will realise what they did. All power to you and look forward to saying hello at Sandown. Xx❤️❤️
Stephanie, your blog hits the nail on the head. Trolls want attention, they want controversy, and they want to be at the center of it all. It isn’t about you at all, it’s about how much they can stir up. They thrive on inflicting hurt on others. We don’t even have to know them personally to know that we don’t want them in our lives. An easy way to avoid them is to avoid putting ourselves in front of other people. You have opened yourself up so generously on social media, inviting us into your life – your garden, your luncheon treats, your hobbies – as well as inviting us to learn from you in the crafting arena. Opening the door, and keeping it open, is bound to let in a few snakes along the way. So, going into 2024, let’s drink to open doors, friends across the miles, and sharing our souls while we can. Life is too short to chase snakes.
Read your post too the end lol. I run a very busy charity and therefore have to use social media to reach those who are otherwise isolated, lonely, in debt, health issues, hungry etc, or needing practical help from services.
Everyday for 29 years I have always tried to have a can do something to make a difference attitude, at times I’ve been mentally attacked by a rare few and I’ve worked with 1000s of people mainly in poverty or crisis. I’ve got B A D I manage it, I have good insight, everytime I’ve had a troll it made me ill, always thinking, that’s not right, that’s not what happened etc etc. I like you stopped responding stopped defending my corner or the truth infact, but then I found create and craft and you, your connection and projection of your enthusiasm and excitement in creating a story, allowing folk like me at 55 now to go back to my days of collection and playing with scraps and it felt good. I have bought into the robins along with bringing others into that escape. So let me say this your personality is infectious the products are great but your demonstrating, manner and teaching is exactly the right recipe and why because you believe in it, you live it, you share it. So Stephanie W just keep being you and write your books or journals and don’t let anyone edit or add. If folk wanna troll then it means your doing something right and they are miserable, sometimes wicked, resentful, jealous, stupid sad people. PS still can’t master the painting lol. Xxx
Stephanie I feel so sad reading this. The accepting and supportive atmosphere at Highlight Crafts is incredible.
The kindness shown, the encouragement, has got me through a very tough year. I can’t thank you and your incredible team enough.
No one deserves to be trolled, least of all you.
I look forward to getting a copy to start my journaling. ❤️❤️❤️
There are some sad and nasty people in this world and good on you Steph for doing this blog, the troll is obviously jealous of your huge achievements and you have so many of them. Look how quick when you’re on c&c your products sell out, you’re loved and so is all your team and brands xxx
Steph, the reasons trolls do what they do is that they have a very sad and lonely life and/or are jealous of your success. Yes you might have made mistakes in the past but who hasn’t, i know I have? What they dont want to acknowledge, and praise you for, is the hard work you have put into getting to where you are now. You are a beautiful, caring person both on the inside and out. I know you have supported me a lot over the last 18 months and got me through some low times for which I am very grateful. I especially love it when things go wrong on live shows and you just laugh it off, it shows even the professionals can get it wrong at times, just like the rest of us, but you always find a way to fix it :). Dont you dare change young lady, get that book on sale so we can all look at you exceptional work. Love and hug xxx
I love Two Red Robins and have many many dies and the magazines that have been published already. I get trolls on verious posts I contribute too but I just ignore them. As you say they probably have a lot missing in their lives and think being nasty gives them power but to me it just makes them into sad sad people who need to get a life and some sunshine. I do believe the rise in mental health problems lies squarely at the feet of social media. I worked in IT for many many years and I hate social media. I use it when I have too but I am not on X, Tiktok or any other strange named platforms. I use FB mainly for my crafting. When I was young, there was no social media. If you did not like someone you just avoided them.
Hi Steph, I can’t understand how anybody can be negative about you. You are a brilliant crafter and teacher. Your painting is fabulous. Your products are innovative and I love your craft club and bonus points.
I have attended many craft events hosted by you and your team. You are always friendly and welcoming. Nothing is too much trouble. I know you’ve had some rough times but you’ve risen
above it all to build your wonderful business. Please know that all the crafting people (like me) you come into contact with love and respect you.
See you in June xxx
I can’t wait for the notebook to come out ( hope it will be available on highlight crafts). Regarding the trolls well they are just sad, jealous people. We have never met, as not been to any of the academy classes or craft shows, but do watch you on create and craft and follow highlightcrats on facebook. You come across as a lovely, down to earth person and are very talented. KEEP BEING YOU, don’t change for anyone, you lose who you are if you do. I used to worry about what people thought but I am now at an age where I think, stuff them and I have found you can’t please everyone all of the time. Kindness cost nothing. Xxx
Trolls are nasty people who don’t think about what they’re saying or to who they’re talking about. I was always told by parents if you can’t say anything nice then don’t say anything at all. And that’s always what I’ve done & will always do. I know from a very good friend who is in the public eye and has nasty trolls everyday of her public life at first they upset her a lot & thinking that her little boy would hear about what was being said about her as she would never respond to them but once she sat her son down & told him some of the things that had been said he was only 4 at the time & she’s a single parent & he told her not to be upset & think about happy stuff & to block out the bad stuff & he would always be there for her whatever was said. Now she doesn’t even look at the comments So stop reading any bad stuff.
And I look forward to the book from the two red robins xxx
Your blog of yours is brilliant, Stephanie. You make excellent points, and I want to say you love of craft, and offering your own products for sale show you are kind, clever and brave. Trollers say more about themselves than the people they target. I am so sorry that you have been subjected to this horrendous demonstration of inhumane behaviour, Steph, but please know a huge majority of people who come across you are grateful to you, admire you, and support you. I will be ordering your notebook, and I love your two red robins range. You reminded me of my childhood and captured my heart with the range, (and my craft room is so full of your products. So much so that lady year I thinned out many of the other ranges I had bought in the past to fit more TRR in. I hope you get millions of affirmations from those of us who have found so much joy in using the items you create. I agree that your post should be shown in schools, but don’t know how to help make that happen. I appreciate you, Steph, you and your crafting products got me through the loss of my husband to cancer in 2008, and have helped keep me going. I am full of respect and admiration for you. Please continue to create, and to share, as you make such a positive difference to so many of us. Sue
Oh can’t wait for the notebook :D and as for the trolls, Well! I’d like to see them be as clever, imaginative, good and caring as you are.
They are just sad little people and not worth bothering about Steph.
Much love, Carol xx
How I wish all children aged 11 upwards could read something like this. I feel that with the increase in mobile phones, tablets etc it is very easy for people to criticise somebody without any comeback. Kindness doesn’t cost anything but it seems to be the hardest thing for people to be. I personally haven’t been trolled but then I choose not to be on social media. I don’t have to.