This download includes full scenes that are ready to use or build your own mix and match using the broken down elements. These include landscape images of lakesides and forests, background images of skies and foreground elements of trees, flowers, boats and so much more.
My Craft Studio brings to you an all new download concept showcasing all the elements you need to create your very own digital watercolour scenes and settings. Originating from the highly popular folder within the chapters of Two Red Robins download’s.
This isn’t just a snippet of background building, This is a full collection! Archived into individual folders for ease of use, all the key components in scene building from foregrounds, backgrounds, landscapes and skies are amongst others enabling you to be the watercolour artist without needing any other tools!
All artwork and imagery being within the same watercolour style enables you to mix and match any element from over 300 to be able to create a unique scene with every project you create.
Join David for the included online class where he shows you how you can use your download and My Craft Studio to create 3 watercolour scene building projects. One project focuses on silhouettes, with the other 2 featuring tips on composition and balance.
This bundle contains:
- My Craft Studio Watercolour Scene Builder Download:
- Scenes x 33
- Foreground builder x 88
- Landscape builder x 162
- Skies x 20
- Watercolour Wonders Online Class with David:
- Approx 30 mins runtime
This download contains images in JPEG and PNG formats for use in My Craft Studio.