Discover the enchanting world of Raspberry Row from Two Red Robins, where you will find a charming family of hamsters, a beautifully illustrated thatched cottage, picturesque paths lined with vibrant flowers and lush raspberry brambles. This delightful collection is perfect for adding joy and whimsy to your crafting projects for all occasions.
In this collection you will meet The Hamberts and the lovely Mrs Cheeks, all a delightful bunch, each with their own personality and style. Together, they make up Raspberry Row, a place filled with love and endless charm. Each character brings their own special touch to the idyllic setting, making it a perfect inspiration for your crafting projects.
The cottages in Raspberry Row are the epitome of rustic beauty while the raspberry brambles add a splash of colour to the gardens and surroundings. These illustrations will transport you to a cosy, heart warming neighbourhood, where every detail is filled with love and creativity.
Let your imagination run wild with the adorable hamsters of Raspberry Row!
This collection contains:
- The Hamberts Die Set:
- 2 dies / 2 cuts
- Largest die: 7.8cm x 10.2cm
- Mrs Cheeks Die Set:
- 2 dies / 2 cuts
- Largest die: 6cm x 8.8cm
- Raspberry Cottage Die Set:
- 5 dies / 5 cuts
- Largest die: 11.6cm x 6.2cm
- Smallest die: 2.2cm x 3.3cm
- Raspberry Brambles Die Set:
- 2 dies / 2 cuts
- Largest die: 6.1cm x 9.9cm
- Raspberry Row MCS USB:
- Scene Building:
- Enchanted Eden (6 elements)
- Mrs Cheeks (1 element)
- Raspberry Blossom (11 elements)
- Raspberry Brambles (11 elements)
- Raspberry Cottage (2 elements)
- The Hamberts (3 elements)
- The Hamiltons (3 elements)
- The Hamwards (4 elements)
- Reflections:
- Enchanted Eden (1 colourway)
- Mrs Cheeks (1 colourway + reversed)
- Raspberry Brambles (2 colourways)
- Raspberry Cottage (1 colourway)
- The Hamberts (1 colourway + reversed)
- The Hamiltons (1 colourway + reversed)
- Papers:
- 16 A4 papers
- Backgrounds:
- 40 A4 backgrounds
- Scenes:
- 16 scenes in A4 and A5
- Scene Building: