How do you use your light board?

I love my Craft Master Light Board, the first time I used it was to use the foiling pen on some reflections that I had printed from Amanda’s It’s The Little Things die set and I was genuinely surprised at how much easier it made the whole process.

Since then I’ve used it for a little sketching practise and more foiling onto stamped designs – it really is like magic when you put a solid sheet of foil over the top of your design then switch on the light board and suddenly your foil appears transparent so you can pick out the exact details you want on the design! I even ended up buying my hubby one as he kept borrowing it for his electronics wizardry (I have no idea how!) and also to look at some old family photograph negatives. At Christmas i bought my 10 year old great nephew one as he’s really loving all things arty and is learning to draw – it’s a family favourite!

But more recently I’ve been using it for a different purpose! Now I can’t give you any science or say this isn’t just a placebo (and obviously this isn’t what the light board is designed for!) but I’m a huge advocate for day light making the world feel like a happier place and I’m not a huge fan of dark mornings.

After a week of Lanzarote sunshine in December I found it really hard to come home to the dark mornings and evenings so one evening I was looking online for what my friend calls a ‘happy lamp’ and spotted a review on one that said the persons daughter used hers for arty tracing. I thought I’d flip the situation and see how it worked! So for the last couple of months I’ve popped the light board on while I eat my breakfast (it was pastry day today!) and if nothing else I just really enjoy having the brighter light in a morning! ☀️

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